Idea 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Original_Belladonna, Aug 4, 2018.

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  1. I concur. Several went off-topic and nothing was done. It amazes me sometimes. All I wanted to do was try to help those who have crystals and wanted another option for them.

    Like I said, this has turned into a trade game, which is fine, but let us trade our crystals if we want to. Those that want to save them for regenerations can. I don’t know, it seems like it’s been blown out of proportion for no reason other than trolls.
  2. I suggested a cap on what you can transfer per day. It’s that simple.
  3. We can even cap it like how Mithril is capped, to avoid any exploits.

  4. Take the free crap out of the discussion. Think more in terms of buying the packs nobs/crystals packs. You now have more crystals than nobs. You want a seal. Trade the damn crystals for nobs. What don’t you really understand. ?
  5. Edited OP to include cap suggestion to this idea.
  6. But that's the main point!!! No more free stuff! Why? Who would support that but a very simple minded person no offence intended! So the Devs do away with xtals and give us nobs!nice can see the Devs doing that
  7. That’s not the point. It’s being able to sell the crystals not ata stopping the free stuff. You’re of the subject.
  8. Domo, you seem to be talking about trading amongst players, if Im understanding you correctly, which is not what my post or this thread is about, from what I read! That would be more of a gifting issue, which I think I saw thread on that! My post was pretaining to the paying players spending more on regens, via nobs, if this revised idea was implemented as no more freebies would be given. Maybe reread the post pretaining to convo between myself and bella!

    Or hey better yet, just post your opinion on the idea yourself and have your on convo with Bella regarding it on this thread as thats what she has asked for, Ive given my opinion already!
  9. Belle says that she would love to use her collecting xtals to help her clan mates! Her words, how would this help her clan mates I wonder! Better to use the xtals given free for the reason they were given!!! Hit a eb with them! Just saying
  10. I only mentioned taking away the freebies because you lot thought it would affect them or that players will exploit it. Again, as this dialogue progresses, we should have a cap like Mithril to avoid exploits and you still get to keep your handouts. Win/win. Happy now, Stacy? By the way, you went off topic as well as Androm. Please stay on topic.
  11. Given or not, they’re still mine and I should be able to do what I want with them. Especially when some of them were bought.
  12. Good god your thick. Again trading seals for charms is no different than selling crystals for nobs.
  13. Oh belle stamps her foot! There my xtals and I will do what I want with them! Lol actually no you can't! You can regen your troops and hit a eb that's all
  14. Go troll somewhere else. If you have nothing to advance the conversation, please leave. I’m not going to ask you again to stay on topic.
  15. But it is on topic!!! How can you say it's not! You would like to have your cake and eat it! The xtals have a use! To regen troops! This enables you to finish ebs! Now if you convert your xtals to nobs and buy say a seal will your clan still fail there ebs ? Or will you buy some xtals or convert your nobs to xtals! Or just regen with the nobs that you converted your xtals for?
  16. Lol your funny Bella! Ive responded primarily to your post, on your topic! If you think my response to Domo, who was basically trying to have a jab at me as usual, is off topic then please advise him to stay on topic as I was just trying to understand his comment pretaining to mine and your previous conversation! Thank you, and as always have a lovely day! :)
  17. Why does it concern you about that clan fails ? Her 6 crystal per eb wouldn’t make a difference. She clearly isn’t telling you how to spend your crystals. Keep your free stuff. Use it the way you want. Maybe she wants to get seals and go to a nk clan, why not be able to sell crystals for nobs to get seals ? Maybe she has 600 crystals and she doesn’t want to use them on a flailing clan ? If I could sell them for nobs I’d be in nk clans more often
  18. No but she wants to! Thats the point! Belle has tons of xtals cos she sure as hell ain't using them hitting ebs or PvP! So belle wants to say how we use ours! Kaw gives us free xtals to hit ebs with no other reason ! Not to convert to seals or whatever..lame idea
  19. So if you had the opportunity to trade 6 crystals for a seal you wouldn’t do it to use in a nk clan to make way more plunder ?
  20. I am literally telling the devs to open up more options for us regarding them. I have never once stated in this entire thread that you should use your crystals in any certain manner. Don’t lie.
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