I'd Tell You I Love You But I've Have to Kill You

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *AndiLudwig15 (01), Feb 16, 2012.

  1. xD Just went back and read the actual story. I'm good now.
  2. @D_Bo:Are you 7 or something?And "He" is a "She" you idiot
  3. D_Bo- Get off Andi's thread. No need to put in your idiotic, WRONG input.

    Get off Andi's AMAZING THREAD.
  4. Since we mentioned [him] He's allowed to post again. Dx
  5. Unrwritten: Yeah, I know that series, I was in sixth grade. XD But the title's different. Just seems the same.

    D-bo: All I have to say is, just GTFO. It's not your thread, okay? If you have a problem, well, good for you. So what good does it give you saying my story sucks? I'm not going to change it, excuse me. It's NOT your story. Make your own story, of mine sucks. Okay, just leave us alone. We never did anything to you.
  6. regardless of your comments. your story still sucks BAD

    and the fact that you're a GIRL trying to write, makes it even more hilarious.

    you need to work on your sammich making skills. that's all you'll be good for in the future is bringing men our sammiches.
  7. What does it matter that she's a girl writing a rather than a boy? And whats "hilarious" about it? This is a great story and you don't have a life.
  8. I have a life. I carry it around in my pocket.

    it was hilarious because the story sucks so bad. it's laughable.
  9. Must be a terrible non-existent pocket.

    That is so sexist! I'm serious! So what if I'm a girl? Have something against girls? Then don't marry a girl then! Be a lonely 70-something year old that has nothing better to do than critisize stories! And you know what? This isn't even critique. Critique is supposed to help the person become better and you are not doing that. Also, saying all those things isn't exactly very proffesional.

    And one more question: why do you say things like that? What, it will make you popular or something? Or you just so bored? GTFO.
  10. get your ass back to the kitchen and get me a sammich
  11. 

    I ignored the speculation that he was actually jealous. It's crazy.

    "Andrew..?" he had seemed to be trapped in his own world.

    He snapped his head back, "Uh. Yeah. Um. Did you get any information of his dad?"

    I bit my lip, "Actually, no, I'm getting there."

    The theater doors burst open and people started exiting.

    "Oh!" the movie had apparently already ended; I didn't know I was gone for that long.

    "Sorry, you missed the movie." Andrew hung his head apologetically.

    "S'okay." I spotted Tanner emerge from the theater, "Gotta go! Mission, remember?" For once, I was actually happy to go on the mission.


    "Agent 0015, you're side mission is ready." the screen read, and I clicked the  button on the remote control.

    The screen fizzled for a while, until it settled to a news report.

    "Word has it that yet another bank has been robbed. This shall be the third bank of the Stevens enterprise so far." The newscaster said, probably reading from cue cards.

    The screen fizzled out yet again, and it stilled; the Institute logo coming to life.

    "Agent 0015, there is one more bank that has yet to be robbed by these infamous robbers. We suspect that the estimate number of robbers is three. And according to our studies, they may strike tonight. Agent 1556 will be joining you. Catch those guys. Good luck."

    The television switched off automatically, and I heard the hiss of the CD data being burned because of its self-destruct mode.



    "How was your date?" was the first thing Andrew asked me when I exited The Home. He was sitting on his Harley, gripping the handles tightly.

    "Good." I averted my gaze from him, but I couldn't help but notice that the old jealousy had returned.

    And yes, the date had been wonderful. Tanner dropped me off in a block from the Home. No, I didn't not allow him to give me a goodnight kiss, though he tried. I gave him a hug and a "I had a great time" instead.

    I hopped on Andrew's motorcycle, pulling a black helmet over my head.

    "Let's go." I said, puzzled at why he hadn't revved up the engine.

    "Put your arms around me."

    My jaw dropped, "W-What?"

    "Safety precaution, remember?" he tapped his own helmet.

    I crossed my arms over my chest, "I'm fine , thank you very much."

    He sighed, "C'mon Lia, don't delay the side-mission." he teased.

    I reluctantly held on to him, and he immediately sped away at a speed that was too fast for my taste.


    "Told you you needed to put your arms around me." Andrew smirked at my flustered face.

    I took off the helmet and shook my brown curls properly, "Yeah yeah, whatever, let's go."

    We made our way towards the bank, silent and discreet.

    We reached the front door. The chains that held the door had been strapped to one handle only now and the lock was gone. We exchanged a glance, the situation dawning to us. Someone was already here.

    Slowly, we opened the door. The lights were out, but I saw a flicker of light in the main office.

    Andrew signaled me to the door and I nodded. I crept to the door, sliding my back against the wall.

    I glanced at Andrew, who made a three sign with his fingers. One finger was lowered, and it became two. One. Zero.

    I barged into the office and ran towards the figure that had been watching the scenery for some reason.

    Grabbing his arm, I twisted it around his back painfully.

    "Oi--oww--" my victim said. I paused, halfway about to throw him to the ground. His voice was deep-and surprisingly familiar.

    "T-Tanner?!" I half-whispered, half-screamed.

    He wrenched himself from my grasp and turned to face me. His jaw dropped, "L-Lia?"

    That was when Andrew entered the room, "What's going on.....?" he trailed off, seeing the both of us.

    "What are you doing here?" I demanded.

    "My dad sent me here to keep guard. What's your excuse?" he answered.

    Of course! Stevens...Tanner Stevens..

    "Uh, people also sent us the keep watch." I said, shrugging. It was true in a way.

    "Well we can keep watch together. You know, in the dark..." Tanner smiled at me.

    "Hey! Don't talk to her like that!" Andrew marched up to us, furious.

    "Andrew-it's okay." I said.

    "You're okay being treated like that?" Andrew said to me and then turned to Tanner, "If you lay one finger on her, I swear, I am going to kill yo-"

    He was interrupted. A few seconds of silence followed us as we realized what had interrupted him.

    The front door had opened again.

  12. This is really dramatic! I can't wait for the next part. And maybe just blank assassin? He's just a sexist bastard.
  13. I don't know what blank means but I'm sick and tired of him bullying us so I'm just going to bluntly ignore him. It's his opinion, fine. I didn't like him being a sexist pig but whatever. It's his life. I'm just going to ignore him.
  14. you can ignore me all you want. as long as you bring my sammiches when I call for them.

    using emoji during your "writing" = really really funny
  15. Keep going.. Of you don't, I shall die
  16. I can't think of anything to say but great job andi
  17. @joeyA

    I'm surprised you could think anything at all after reading this garbage
  18. I would read this if it were a book, when you finish get it published.