Ice Moth Hunt Leaderboard

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Dec 18, 2013.

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  1. Not to mention that they gave us more a lot more time than fangs
  2. Looks awe full ly familiar:p
  3. I havnt burnt a xtal and almost have 1000, you just have to chase the ebs that are dropping good 
  4. I have 533 and counting lol I'll get there

  5. Max Crystal everyday, and be in a clan that does nonstop ebs in a quick manner.
  6. isn't the ultimate reward that whatever build gets the most moths gets nerfed next.
  7. lmao Max. . . You may be on to something though 
  8. money real green 'or virtual' money.
  9. It's not that hard to get em, if you war and have ee lvl5 u get 375 for war. Two crystals per hte will get u 110 or so. Nothing funny going on u just gotta find out what works and go with it. I currently have 1300 so if I can do it anyone can
  10. Would there be any chance you could make seals half price again so more people buy?
  11. Am i the only one to know the date is messed up! I didnt know this was the 18th month (if possible)
  12. For Sams' post
  13. 18/12/13 is the correct way of putting it... The BRITISH way of putting it ;)
    In ascending order of size:


    Makes sense right?
  14. Nope, America is America therefore we're America...

    And America is better than you.


  15. So basically Kaw is going to reward those who blow the most money on xstals. Surprise surprise. 
  16. Their secrets are: they spend real money on the game.
  17. Also they use bots so therefore kaw rewards those who cheat
  18. Frog.
    You can't really blame the devs for that. It's called making a profit and favoring those who pay...

    The devs wouldn't be where they are now if they didn't focus more on the paying players.

    Or maybe they would... And would actually have bigger community.

    Or it would fail due to a lack of sufficient money and or profit motivation.
  19. If possible at end of promo can you tell us total ice moths collected by kawmmunity?
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