Discussion in 'Clans and Alliances' started by oOo-Red-Lace-oOo, Jun 16, 2015.

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  1. Nice looking thread. Liked the bikini chick with the 6 pack. Also glad you kept it black on white and didn't color it up too much. Easy to read.
  2. Oh thank god I've been wondering what your banners meant for awhile 
  3. Kind of like the Omets. Cool. Cool.
  4. Full support to my friends & family in IA. Much love to you all except that noobsauce Ori.
  5. Can never have enough moles
  6. you missed one of the EoL co owners, you listed most but not all, disappointing you forgot i used to co own and be in your council red and bloodette and you forget me so fast
  7. Good to see all the noobs join forces as one
  8. Cool dude here boys :eek:
  9. Nice thread, well written
  10. Support sounds awesome
  11. Gee I hope it is cooler than the OMETs.

  12. Well, RedLace does loves me so that's a start in the right direction. Right?
  14. Think you forgot something there, Red lol.
  15. She said correct. Just not outside of the quote.

    It is a nice thread though. Good job and good luck.
  16. support my IA family except ninja he is such a noob :p :lol: :lol:

    Edit: Gj on the post Red
  17. Support for the crazy family
  18. What's in it for me?
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