i_love_to_farm_you lmao

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IlllIilI_MR_MAGOO_lllIIlll, Aug 5, 2012.

  1. I support Emily getting the **** farmed out of her go i_love_to_farm!!!!
  2. LMAO MAGOO!!! I was a pure spy before you even started playing I bet. LCBC terror. 324k stats. Recognize! In telling you from experience what's gonna happen to ur lil ***** ass
  3.  bring it lmfao
  4. I love how noobs grow balls when they can't lose anything anymore 

    Probably an alt that he bought on the KaW store anyway. OR he spent all his ally money to be a pure spy and farm a guy he claims to hate but can't stop talking about 
  5. I attack anyone who supports a guy threaten my family
  6. Btw magoo has better spy stats than u cynder

    Just telling u my observation
  7. Yet the dude from last rights hasn't had any inc after he said he supported him 

    Empty threats 
    You wouldn't have lasted a day in original KaW.
  8. And why u all talking big no ic 
  9. I support that guy that threatened magoo and whoever else his threats may have affected cuz I can and magoo you sound fun to play with and maybe ill get a thread made about me next lmfao at u
  10. Come get me oh no balls cynder
  11. Yes no inc on me and I keep saying I support I_love_to_farm_you and his chaotic ways of making magoo his little *****
  12. He's a fresh convert. Look at his battle stats. He's nothing more than a sheep in wolf's clothing.

    Stop trying to be one of us MAGOO.
    You give true farmers and cutthroats a bad name.
  13. Yes u laugh but why not farm me like u say ? Hmm
  14.  yeah I not been farming long 
  15. I ran out of peanut butter
  16. @hellsangel

    Just because mangoo has better stats the iss doesn't mean he could win...if iss knows how to war and mangoo doesn't and vise verser stats wouldn't matter
  17. Support for Magoo. Always here if you need any help bro 
  18. You haven't. Your stats prove that. And if you're hiding behind an alt it proves further how much of a ***** you are

    **** you wouldn't even last a day in I.S.S we farm each other in cc for fun between Osw