Discussion in 'Wars' started by IIlIlSTANdardllIlI, Jul 31, 2012.

  1. Ass kisser much...
  2. I know thanks Sax, Im a stubborn old fool. :eek: Most my mates are busy in their own wars or id give you a name, a 3.7mils spy is just pushing my boundrys to try and hit lol, lucky he is a little slow and leaves some hits out :lol:
  3. not even going to respond to that...
  4. Awww poor little mite, shes kinda cute.
  5. That's just straight up stupidity, why would you name yourself after Emily? You're not fooling anyone.
  6. Emily: if you need some help please feel free to PM me. That pic went to far if you ask me... 
  7. Moola that is Emily too (/)_-)
  8. Farm you're just stupid, and that's all I need to say.
  9. I_LOVE chill out, why so angry and defensive?

    So whats the plan from here? more big stats, more eb or do you actually really want this perma farm thing? cause at the moment I feel like your waiting for me to roll over and play dead?? hopefully you know I wont do that til you say your done
  10. U go girl you are awesome ma idle lol!
  11. I_LOVE please answer where you want to go from here? do you want to pull your main off and your mates back and then stop your eb hitting and actually fight your own war or do you want this to end?
  12. I_LOVE do you want to keep hiding? Would you rather I call you Fire? maybe your used to that more? or __________, do you prefer that one?
    Let me know ok cause really being constipated is better than this, at least you know something will happen in the end, where as you are a joke.

    Oh Arkst nice wall lol. Guess he is trying to recruit you next?
  13. He's getting way too serious bout this game.... Down with farm, up with Emily, if u need help (not hiding behind me but fighting beside me) I'll help :)
  14. Thanks Emily, I do love Imaki's work :) ;)
  15. If emily want's to I'm sure we can have a clan full wanting to fight. Props for fighting for yourself emily. At least you have the guts to fight and not hide in EB 
  16. Yes he is, he reminds me of me before my reset, forgot kaw was for fun, spoke to people with little respect, thought I was unbreakable and could step on anyone....I am glad i saw it before i hurt more friends than I did, I hope he sees it soon. Kaw is great now, can farm with respect, war with pride, but I still dribble poop and am useless in forums.

    He impresses me, found that Id upset some, well they found him, have joined him, in pm and in war. Farmer has no idea what he is doing but now he has my timezones, my details, and what gets under my skin he is willing to try again. Thankyou to those that went against me hey realboy and co. I understand although it hurt a little.

    So my one on one with I_LOVE_TO_FAIL is just that.

    If anyone is interested the spy that has been hitting me all war, that i believe is his main is llxXxFirellxXx

    welshamy is from when I was in A.D.H.D hitting farm but she joined in again today. (Stopped hitting me after I unloaded)

    SR11 is the one that helped fail strip me and hit well after cf during another attempted strip. (Not hitting just being mouthy)

    gcali818 is in his clan, currently silenced but likes to give death threats and join the hits.

    --MrMagic-- is his clan owner that is too supreme and likes to point out my mental issues while hitting. Major props to him if he dropped the attitude he is a trooper hitting back.

    and just cause he was a failure BMW_SoF-KC_ELX is the fool that walled my reset account about being a failure thinking Id reset from war today, after 3 hits he went dead silent and pulled his head in lol

    After that its 1 vs 1 and could be fun now he knows everything about me LOL
    To the others that warred and we sorted it out thankyou, it was fun and i appreciate that it was somewhat respectable.
  17. 208 newsfeed, afk for 9 hours and you dont strip me? but your new friends are hitting well, shame your not in my feed
  18. Ok sat on sideline for while but I love to farm that picture post annoyed me
    You like to make little girls cry ? If there was a joke in that no one got it
    Banter is fine between two fighters but when you bring family Into it?
    First no need unless your grabbing at straws second I'm a father and that really pissed me off
    You really need to take a deep breath and see this as what it is
  19. Support magoo. I agree. I_LOVE_TO_PRETEND_TO_FARM_YOU is just a rude little nobody.