Discussion in 'Wars' started by IIlIlSTANdardllIlI, Jul 31, 2012.

  1. Tommy its not a winner/loser thing to me, he messed up he just has to say he is out, he messed up we all do at times.
  2. Bump for support, sounds like you are enjoying KaW,

    P.s. I love KaW
  3. Emily I didn't know you were back! Yay let me know if anyone decides to jump in again I would love to help even the odds! ๎˜
  4. Thanks guys :)

    Hayden i am back, just shrunk a little after a reset lol but I was growing nicely :) bit different without you guys to hit in pwars though lol
  5. Pctm, (teach) you never responded to my PM... And Emily, Count me in if you need help ๎…
  6. Support Emily! Kick his ass
  7. I can vouch for OP. gcali was kicked from RR for racism and farming. He deserves what he gets.
  8. ??lost me
  9. Lol she's very consistent, Who is this young Lad? She's got Moxy ๎™
  10. Good job OP. just pot burn ;)
  11. Op has my support
  12. Op has my support too
  13. Aww thankyou for the support, I thought i would let the people watching know an update as i have real life stuff to do.....(Yes I_LOVE, I will be afk please do take your useless allies back)

    gcali818 (Admin in I_LOVE's clan) decided to wall me threats, and is now getting his clan hit, but there is only 3 actives, by the way i do not like bypasses on my wall, I am sure gcali818 will be sorry for that when he gets his voice back, tut tut. Leader of clan is naked.

    They called in help of another beautiful stat player, but that didnt go too well for them as he understood what was happening - the thread has served its purpose.

    As he is pinned on eb I have time today to hit some of his helpers, SR11 had a bit of a cry, his clan owner is now trying to say he isnt in their clan and I should stop hitting him. now I know he is reading and i am sick of him on my wall so firstly....if he is not in your clan remove him from under the title of leader on your clan page :eek: and secondly, he hit me after cf when he helped try to strip me, I wont just stop. He can appologize for breaking cf.

    I am not getting hit by I_LOVE he is on eb lol but still trash talking. I am tired I reset my daughters account after he started hitting her and i now own a pretty little noob noob account useless for everything but hitting admin in his clan, so those that saw it in wc asking for a volley and bagged me out for resetting, sorry for the disappointment and the hits that followed.

    I must go now, smile, enjoy. (And I_LOVE please take your allies lol)

    Oh and no thats not account sharing - my daughter will not play kaw again, she gets in too much trouble cause of me and my mouth, and its not a place for kids.
  14. HAHA ok everyone that knows me knows i go on a brag feast like above before losing the plot, funny thing is i know it aswell, so decided to play my cards, buy some sdp and see if i can catch the spy thats been hitting me.

    Thought it was very odd when the spy failed and I saw he was from a friends clan. Thought maybe pinning me, but you dont steal some to pin, and you dont then get followed and sat on by the farmer. Thanks for showing yourself :)

  15. Oh sprinkles I dub thee in marriage, I get high on you sprinkles, unicorns are no match for our love! That dolphin kissed me first! Joey please don't goo my Pokemon are waiting to use bubble!
  16. emily-angel in forums... did wonder how long it'd be till you'd be broadcasting again :roll:
  17. GOF please put it behind you, and move on. Remember KAW is for fun.
  18. Emily, if you ever have any larger stat players interrupting your 1 v 1 , please wall me and I'll take care of them๎„
  19. Thanks :p I might just do that.
  20. Do I count as interrupting? Lol