I_LOVE_TO_FARM_YOU please stop lurking, I see you watching lol Im on pc at the moment. Please come in and share your side, may aswell air your dirty laundry here since im so close to collapse according to you lol. And thankyou everyone supporting nice to have mates
Yes lol and he has lurked it the whole time on and off.....a great advantage of linking pc and idevice is you can get the best of all the aspects lol
He signed his reset papers when he called out A.D.H.D ... He's nothing put a nub firing a spud gun, you are nothing. Tyr
I_LOVE your still lurking forums hitting eb....come on out of pin hun please, I am sick of failing warbeasts waiting for you.....Its 2:30am there you will be out of pin soon, unless your doing an all nighter letting kaw possess you....but i wouldnt recommend that at all. Oh bummer the time thing, slipped sorry, i dont really know that.....well i wouldnt if you didnt keep track on your wall of my activity writing your time first lol
WHO IS ONLINE Users browsing this forum: arkst, bellemorte, billy916, B_Magical, fiir14, II_________DRAGON_________II, IllIIl_Jam_llIIIl, I_LOVE_TO_FARM_YOU, MiNG-YunFeiYanG, Nugget, RETRIBUTION, Saint_Soldiers, Schsmi, the_pit, xXxShadow_SpawnxXx guess he is still lurking :lol: :lol: :lol: