I will kill all the mods!!

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *-_-CrazyDestinyChick-_- (01), Jun 18, 2011.

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  1. I don't give a crap u noobs
  2. Who's the Noob here? Your stats compared to mine....


    I'm just gonna end this post here.
  3. On no.

    The hater who feels the necessity to insult me because of possibly imaginary past grievances with moderators of an online game called me a derivative name, all the while insisting this person's life is meaningful.
  4. Good job col  ha
  5. I reset just then now who's thenoob
  7. The reason this isn't being locked is because I can't do it on an iPod.
  8. You reset before you lc'ed...
  9. Hmmm, I personally would have gone about a "I hate mods" thread a much more sophisticated way....but thats just me....I gather this tool has zero intelligence.
  10. And I lol at the "I'm a gurl" part.

    You cool
  11. Don't worry col I like mods 
  12. Ur still tha noob destiny
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