I want to war!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by MizzToxicKissez, Oct 11, 2013.

  1. I ask in wc all the time and get multiple wall posts, then I look at the clan and he player who walled me and make a decision.

    Tbh unless you join rh you're not going to win every war. My suggestion is ask on wc find a clan you think has the builds, leadership and strategy you agree with and stick with them win or lose
  2. You can get off your lazy ass and research for yourself?You need someone to personally invite your pathetic-ness?
  3. i like devil's method, if there wasn't already a major osw, you could just about create one
  4. I think actually was a thread somebody made specifically for people lookin for war clans. I don't know where it went but I remember seeing it. Either way op your prob gonna want some more towers SDT for sure some clans req ADT as well. That'd definitely help ya find a spot somewhere good luck op