Your bein "penished" (XD) because you arent responsible for your own accout which violates the ToU if I'm not mistaken...
Don't bump this thread bro. You should ask for. Lock from a mod so no one else posts. That way it goes off active topics and you will be less likely to be farmed. Also, is it account sharing if a person steals your iPod, And uses kaw? I believe the term sharing is used in a voluntary giving meaning, not that it was stolen by someone and used. Therefore, I don't think it was account sharing, rather than having a dick of a brother. Not his fault his parents didnt wear a condom is it?
Erm ok I'm not exactly convinced I understand other than that op talks gobbledygook and seriously needs to pay more attention in school. To that end complete home work and then read the help and forums and you may understand the game better and how tou restrict account sharing. That said having made multiple attempts to understands ops rambling I find myself asking that if ops account kicked another member, then WHO on earth was crazy enough to make him/ her an admin in the first place??
Bad grammar bro. I had to read the first line twice to understand what you were saying. Lol. Irony. You left out a few "s"' endings as well.
I laughed till I cried!! Just S.A.D I'd put on the naughty list but, it just feels wrong! ...and ride the cow. Who knows where it's udders have been
Selling cake Selling popcorn Selling seats Get it now! Limited time before a mod releases I've hijacked this thread