I wanna be popular

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *OldKingToastMoose_TheSexRogue (01), Sep 9, 2011.

  1. Ok thanks hax


    -Th3 W01F
  2. Original poster and can someone tell my ex that I'm perm silenced I_foible_u_alt and I_foible_u
  3. Be an attention seeking 13 year old. =D
  4. Op are you shifter?
    Or some one else?
    What if you're Vlad reincarnate
  5. @Jim
    I think he's crayon.

  6. Maybe merylnd
  7. maybe XTREME
  8. I walled the main poptartz
  9. Since when was moose a good forumer? All I see Is him posting a poc of a moose lol
  10. Maybe you hax?
  11. @op


    (no idea if this gif will work, or what size it will be)
  12. nvrmd doesn't work
  13. I was talking to poptarz when I said maybe
  14. nope, I only have one alt,swear

    XTREME is spragga remember? so he might be this guy
  15. I only have four alts.
  16. If you want to be popular be condescending. But make sure you have the skills to back it up.

    No one will mess with you after you get away with calling someone a moron and have nothing done to you.
  17. Do you have four iPods/iPads or iPhones?