I understand

Discussion in 'Wars' started by *siriusun (01), Oct 11, 2013.

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  1. This thread is spam from a spammer that says he can farm yet can't farm anyone who cares :lol:
  2. Dude I WAS pinned from stealing your gold! Bahahaha
  3. You still had spies out when I hit ya,
    Nice try at acting tough tough.
  4. Where is plmparoo when you need someone to farm someone who uses small accounts to post??
  5. No. It has a purpose. I want contracts coming my way
  6. First of all, I'm the one farming you.

    Second of all, you can't even hit Reindeer.

    Third of all, blow up your device, please.
  7. Dammit Balto guy! I got no main!!! I already said that a million times! Grrrrr
  8. Nah princess. I've stolen from you repeatedly. Ur soooo weak
  9. … You're calling someone stronger than you weak? Farming starts in



  10. I don't believe you op if your posting you have to somehow have a main
  11. Siri, ill take care of you later.

    I'm too lazy now xD
  12. Whatever Balt . Believe what u want. But u sound like a scratched cd. Just like reindeer
  13. OP, no one paid you to fail farm me.
  14. Big mouth AAAAAND lazy? Come on now king
  15. That's the third time you've said scratched cd.
    Are you retarded?
  16. Siri, KingNotch is my older, stronger brother. Dont mess with him.
  17. Siri you realize no one gives a damn about u? Cept the amusement of your fail farming?
  18. You are too small to attack 99.99999999% of the players.
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