Plus you're a guild hansel your opinion is biased. (But then again... So is everyone's) And about your idea. It would be increasingly difficult to achieve the members/ type needed and would most likely result in less people warring as many would be excluded. Besides the devs would have to create a brand new algorithm and it would be very hard to implement.
jesus do you people not read . Im a gh on this sccount but i have also warred as a attack build as a hybrid and as hansel only build i havnt tried is turtle build so how is my opinion biased Second how does it exclude anyone? im small build and want to war i join war 1 stat limit 2 mill combined Im over 2 mill i join say for example war 2 which is a 2 mill to lets say 10 mill combined Im over 10 mill and wish to war i join war 3 etc again can all be adjusted to what is deemes fair Then can have say war 4 any build types no stat restrictions Anyway was just idea so posted cos i was bored