Guys, Ladyboss can name like 3 people who respect it. It'll be a mod in 4 years, because its that important to the KaWmmunity. The fact that everyone hates it is completely irrelevant, because it wants to be mod.
Anyways, assuming you agree Ladyboss. I consider this a win. Better than a forum surrender. Your fake gold means nothing to me. I should make a how to beat a forumer guide for KaW EB fairies.
You didn't address who you were asking, your like nicki minaj, fat ass, stupid ho and nobody likes you
Lol posting SS again? That's my signature :lol: No. No I can't. The only relevance that has if you're about to claim sarcasm. Which wouldn't be very smart considering the amount of SS's I've got between us and the amount of times I've posted that same 'signature' and you have not claimed sarcasm.
Justice :lol: epic signature. I can't wait for the day It (ladyboss) fads away and never posts on forums.