I saw a...

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Nathan_WINNING, Mar 27, 2015.

  1. I saw a elephant riding a bicycle down the street
  2. With a giant sac of pus
  3. I saw a carnival
  4. that consisted of a giraffe eating peanut butter
  5. On a bread mill.
  6. ate a tadpole
  7. like a cannibal
  8. Then proceeded to eat it again
  9. i saw a... guy get trolled sooo hard, in the never have i ever thread
  10. And then he left and join Charles X-xaviers (Is that how you spell it?) school for talented, gifted youth. (From X-Men)
  11. I see forum noobs....and they dont even realize they are forum noobs
  12. And then I killed you with my power bully ray