I saw a...

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Nathan_WINNING, Mar 27, 2015.

  1. To poop on mighty lords like saltyfeet
  2. And he liked it
  3. So much that he
  4. Made another awesome forum post
  5. That made me want to
  6. Seal for him unlimited times
  7. And feel pain so SHREK could feel pleasure
  8. Inside of kaw.
  9. Around my mid
  10. Region, my bellybutton started
  11. bleeding, my anus stopped
  12. Breathing, my peanuts were
  13. Breeding, my kittens were
  14. Enjoying a feast
  15. While I was taking a rock hard crap
  16. Then I turned to Gary
  17. With a ketchup bottle in one hand and a muffin in the other...
  18. And made him an offer he couldn't refuse
  19. He agreed to the offer which was...