Even talked to owner and he said no clan vs clan we should have taken cfthat's coward to me. Keep coming outside clans just shows how weak iss is and can't do alone
Right URANUS. Amall eb clan vs war clan War clan calls for help=pathetic And yes Ron, we are and will have fun. I for one will stand by my B.C.K family to the end. So bring on the rain I.S.S or I.S.S outside helpers.. To I.S.S Helpers-At least have the decensy to join I.S.S.
And to clarify on my first statement, I was in the eb clan, and it was not uc they were fighting against.
I was told by smurf to be respectfull so: @ evil_rising U asked for cf, also u followed me ( i have no idea y) and i stopped hitting u because my owner stopped me. But now that u back at i.s.s am letting their #28 on roster to hit u again. All i want to say is THANKS GOD HE IS BACK!
@ Uranus tech9. It's ironic that the original I.s.s was run by a player named tech9 Like blackhand, they were a clan of players who only played to fight. They would never have called in outside hitters in those days past, because there were no outside hitters to call, there were no big alliances and families and whatever. Like blackhand. The current I.s.s are a mere shadow of there former selves. Like inxs without Michael hutchense. Good luck to the little epic battle clan that is standing up for itself. Don't be put off by some old time reputations. These remade war clans that keep resurfacing are great kawers, good off system players, but they are not what the original veterans, now long gone ever were. They are just a few veterans and the rest are stupid noobs. No question about it. I have a good memory. That's my opinion anyway. No disrespect intended. Just an honest observation from a little farmer noob.
There's no match for voyager's mouth. Very mean. However, he just talks tough. Been hitting them and i only got inc from smurf
Lol @ Ali's comment. So a butthurt player posts that iss asks for outside help, so it has to be true. C'mon Ali. Think first haha. And if iss is "merely a shell of its former self" then it's a shell with spiked shell armor and kick ass fuzzy dice upgradesso what u must have meant to say was iss is an upgraded shell of its former self
@Mickey. You are old kawer veteran. You can look at the I.s.s roster. Where is cynderstryke ? Where is hulksmash ? Where is tip_in_for_a_sec? Where is tech9? Where are the true I.s.s veterans ? Your clan Mickey. New age, are the modern day kaw version of what I.s.s once was. Twicc never calls in outside help I bet?