I.S.S with no honor

Discussion in 'Wars' started by BCK-_Smurfin_you_-BCK, Feb 22, 2014.

  1. Val you have a point, but B.C.K is running their mouths off and not taking actions. Apparently I took action, they pin themselves on a pure spy, that means? - coward.
  2. Why they self pin? Scared to face and attack us.
  3. Well for the most part bck has stopped running thier mouths now and are hitting. With all the strips they have suffered them not crying is earning respect. If thier clan lives through this war I think they will learn from the mistakes they made and will be a stronger because of it.
  4. The trash talk goes both ways. The self Pin thing, come on, this is KaW 2014. That's no longer an insult
  5. I can see now they are taking action, not running theirmouths, thats good to hear, lets see how many hits can they stand.
  6. So what you're saying smurf is that when a war clan has family clans join to help them they are cowards? So you're basing this off what knowledge? All war clans have family clan that join in on their own accord. For ex zaft vs uc all has family clans that joined and if you're calling us a coward you must be calling every war clan that has family clans join them a coward as well. Oh BTW. It sucks to be pinned by a sos Hansel like myself doesn't it. Shame I don't get incoming but from vog every now and then. Just shame.
  7. Yes it's pretty cowardice. If you accept assistance in some ways you are. Yafi never asked families to help not even when 5 to 1 outnumbered, nor New Age atm Vs LOS family and whoever else.
  8. You can't refer to an alliance war as an example. Neither of you are in an alliance. Zaft Vs UC was an alliance conflict. Not two individual clans
  9. I think I just did.... and why not as an example? Don't have to be from one clan to use as an example. I.S.S hasn't called any family clans to help. Members from our family clans join on their own accord. So the question is where is this proof and knowledge of it? Or is this just hear say and people hoping on bandwagon just to feel good about themselves?
  10. All I can say is I'm the real deal and easily could solo your clan bck only reason anyone joined in is to get this over with faster because you can't hit half of us sucessfully been iss 4 years seen great players come an go its part of the game but don't under estimate who is left DP️
  11. Smurf you talk too much. You have nothing to show for your actions but your mouth. Your clan should pack up and leave your pathetic ass .
  12. There hasn't been more than 5 people active in BCK all day
  13. Maybe I should go join the kitty kingdom and make you prrr. You know I'll hit that  now people quit thinking perverted. I'm purely talking about presuming the attk button.
  14. Who's hop and when they start hitting BCK?
  15. Hop is about to have a newsfeed filled for talking **** about an already out matched clan
  16. My whole point of this thread was to try and get a clan vs clan. I have heard all this bs bout awe should expect others to hit. Tbh I totally did expect it. Not a big deal I'll keep fighting. Was hoping was someone else out there that believed in a good old slug fest. Now some peeps came to iss and I respect that. Cynder came in to fight instead of hitting from outside. If wanted in than join. But fight clan to clan. Why use others. I seen someone say to make it quickerman up and roll with punches no matter the outcome have some fun. It's a damn war game peeps. War isn't always quick. But damn sure is entertaining. Loving the inc. keep up folks. Of not in iss tho ur not my prime concern so switch over. As always my nf is open. Sorry no more allies to grab folks just gonna have to enjoy hitting me
  17. Smurf is selfish moron. I told him i wanted to join so he could share some of that precious inc with me.
  18. Salty still dropping fails on me? I told u I can't hit u much man. My hits are for others. Go trash talk someone if want inc. we won't be distracted by u in my clan. If want onc trash talk iss or sic. Sic has brought a lot of hits from a guest that trash talked them lol. Do the same