OP, what I said applies completely. A thread complaining is a thread complaining regardless of whatever your intentions are -.-...
First, what is OP. Second, bullemuerte does speak the truth. We are a noob eb clan that only defend our members. BH was senselessly farming a member for 9 days. 9 days their owner would not follow so we followed all admins to discuss the issue. They said they as an osw clan so it was ok long as it was one on one and as soon as that came out of thier mouth i already had incoming from 3 on thier side. And so the war began. We started stomping thier ass. Quite easily too. Then 24 hours later they bring in help. We had a few strips that night, but came out strong that day as well. And then they got really desperate cause i have seen inc from more than 5 clans. We still holding them off casualties or not. This thread is meant to show you how little respect they deserve. They are a failing clan, barely holding on by trying to war with begginers. We dont ask for help. We respectfully ask you not choose to help or continue to help these wore out vets try and pic apart friendly non farmer types like ourselves. Let them fight thier own battles. We would cf rigjt now if they would agree to our original terms to stop hitting our members, or to kick the ones who persist. But thats just unreasonable of us to ask huh? We will never submit because we are Noble and Just in our cause. Thin out our less loyal members and you will turn silver into gold.
Zayock-you say BH is a "failing" clan. Tbh I don't think it's present tense anymore. They used to be a clan to be feared among the top clans or kaw, or so it seemed from when I first started. But yes back to what I was saying, it seems they have wore themselves out and don't pose much threat to many clans out their. Pity that clans like that which bring out the true spirit of the game die so often. BLOOD
Also, from what I gleaned, the bh member who started hitting final fantasy joined bh in order to do it. He was not in bh during ig war and not in bh until he was asked by another guy in a non-warring clan to hit some guy in ff over ally hire. This was interesting since I was told that he was a perm member of black hand for a long time a s had joined the cause against LR. On the plus side, I stripped him before I knew anything about final fantasy. So hopefully that gives FF some solace.
Does anyone else see similarities between Belle and ancienne? First one to guess why i ask gets a high five.
You are correct, she doesn't do the whole .... Thing. Thank god. The reason I said that was because they both try to make every thread they post on about themselves
Think of a strip as a stock market crash where you lose a certain amount of money. It happens and the more money you invest, the more you lose during the crash.
I had a 70 billion ally last night. Sold it before I went to bed. Buried the cash. That's why the 3 billion strip is so pathetic.
Lol I had a 250b ally and 100b out last night. (Silly me) Came back from work and found no ally and numerable 170m steals still not found the culprit