Well, lets be honest. Black hand couldn't beat any clan on their own, regardless of size strength or power. They are mostly inactive and just kinda sit around sucking it up. Note that black hand started the war but the thread is about ISS. Because bh sucks so bad that they aren't even worthy of being in a title of a thread.... Just like they weren't worthy when they needed other clans to help them before they would declare against LR last time. Now they sit inactive, naked, or holding one bomb ally. And they cheer over 3bil. I've seen it. It's funny and sad. Yeah. This kid is a nub. But who is the bigger nub? The clan complaining or the ones that had to call in help from 3 other clans to get a complaint out of them?
My apology's Panda. You didn't use the n word. But you sound like the rest and are simply not here to help. You misunderstand this thread. This wasn't a pathetic cry for help so your ministrations to keep quiet don't apply. I can simply reset the account or keep it around to perma-farm the bottom of I.S.S Sadly, it's not big enough to do much damage to any Black Hand actives. Judging by the fact they're fighting this battle I don't imagine they want to fight clans their size anymore. I'm here because the owner of IiI_Final-Destiny_IiI is fighting his heart out. We all know it's impossible for us to win. Regardless of the outcome some of the participants made a friend that's gonna be with them for a long long time.
OP can I just clarify something I read on your clans wall. Worms are not affiliated with BH. There are BH members there yes. But they are not aligned with them. There are LR members 7DS members. I should know I was a worm. I knew people's alignments. Worms are worms. Not BH ally. Get your facts straight... Please and thank you.
Oh. That's a funny story sol. See, sinistermonkey got drunk one night and got tricked into handing ownership to blazey, who then, in an attempt to run away from Yafi war, gave ownership over to SirHayden, who was also runnjng away from AAH, who was at war eith yafi- oh. But before that- all of old black hand left around the time blazey got ownership. But what's realllly cute is that Hayden is so busy with ee wars that he gave owvership to his girlfriend who barely plays So black hand sits around holding a couple helmut heads and a bunch of inactives. Really, someone who cares so little about their clan as Hayden should give ownership back to someone who actually would take the time to show up in the clan... You know, between ee wars.... Even though he would lose a whole level of edge. Yeah. That's asking too much of a clan leader I'm sorry. It's just all sad. Especially to see the idiots starting a war with a noob eb clan and getting their asses beat by them too.... To the point that they have to call in help
Yes I realize that worms are not part of BH. Just a lot of the incoming is coming from their clan. And not trying to be prejudiced against barcodes...but it's darned confusing at times. I'll try to get that changed to 'mercs at...'
And yet another funny thread ruined from belles hatred of BH... Belle do you see any body here that truly cares? No, no you don't. So please stop repeating yourself. At the very least come up with something new to say.
Well, spilly, sometimes you have to see the sad truth beyond the noob rage. And that happens to be that bh had to call in help for a 3bil strip
And just a question. Isn't that the same clan art as fruit grave(or something like that I'm not sure) op?