I present a new concept to KaW; Raiding.

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by ISI-IOI-IRI-IAI, May 21, 2015.

  1. This is noob thing
  2. To complicated ......im sure people would rather dropa seal n dump xtals on that than to do so on this.
    Great thread effort but this will never be considered by devs due to its complicated nature and players would be reluctant to particpate n drop nobs n xtals on something that can be failed .

    If you want or care for my opinion this needs simplified n striped back but an eb for people with ee encourages wars and thats something to be celebrated it would get me back warring again for sure
  3. With respect, it would not be created to target an audience who would say such a thing. As stated many times, it would be for the more invested "hardcore" players in KaW who seek more of a challenge.
  4. A thread with effort, woah.

    Nice thread, although I don't play anymore I know lots of people would like this idea, the people who say too complicated are just too lazy and probably haven't read it.
  5. This actually sounds rather insane, would 100% spice up the game for EB fairies and warriors alike. And the size of these could be huge; for example, two clans get matched up and must 'attack' the raid from either side, requiring more than just inter-clan communication. I can image the rage as well though. But 10/10 would try! :D
  6. Great thread! I support this!

    Overall the difficulty appears to be deadly(given the time limit and the phases needed to go through), it wouldn't much of a challenge without some new obstacles!

    Blood Offering on Phase 4 is super-hard! This is where sacrifice of troops and spies comes in!

    Also, I have some suggestions!

    Since the base damage is 50, if this is towards the Castle Defenses, to make it even more fun make a 20% median range (more or less damage), it becomes 40-60 damage! Some actions may end up dealing less, some deal more, all based on luck! The battle log would show like this:


    How can we players obtain the
    Ancient Seal that is needed to open up this epic battle?

    I don't mind about that rule, if all other players who doesn't have EE, managed to team up with the other 15 players that has EE....Non-EE players may still be able to hit at least 1 bar of 1 phase,

    Unless the epic battle rule says NO to players without EE spells of course...then everything they try to do gets
  7. You have got to be kidding me. Soda, bro, you need to get outdoors, out of the moist, pizza roll filled, lotion/napkin infested jackathon cubical you spawn these ideas inside of.
  8. Support, make a support list. But tbh, shoulda just sent ata an email
  9. What a ridiculously specific idea. Obviously the developers would never take an idea and implement it verbatim especially one this thought out. They need to come up with a way to make it pay to win first.
  10. I appreciate the thought and time put into this.With some tweaking I think it's a great idea. SUPPORT
  11. I love this idea but:

    Remove nobility price tag on EB or make mithril shared equally (instead of having to steal from the box).

    Why? Well to stop players from forming pay to enter style clans (like current HTE clans). This will promote more loyalty. Also allowing the box to be hit by anyone will probably result in arguments between clan members.

    Also the EE requirement is a bit strange, although if it's only to start raid and not needed for general participation then that's cool.

    12hour time limit is a good idea and help stop abuse/farming. Overall well thought out idea. Support.
  12. This is amazing most effort in a thread I've seen in forever
  13. Maybe create a large amount of phases.when you do the Raid a few of them are randomly selected to be used. This will add variation to the epic battle and stop easy repetition of the same one.

    It is pay to win, 59nob per raid. But it is limited unlike HTE (12hours) so it isn't so bad.

    It can be failed and it's complicated... But it is only 1 time every 12hours so they can still go back to normal HTE afterwards
  14. Unfortunately in a game like this with a "Freemium" payment model, new ideas need to be profitable to the developers or they are highly unlikely to be considered. They also need to be reasonable to the players as to not separate the player base between the haves and the have nots.

    I think the 59 nobility price is not bad at all considering there is a 12 hour "lockout" so it cannot be run back to back along with that fact that only one player would have to use the seal.

    I thought the mithril chest at the end was a cool idea because:
    • It contains the amount of mithril used in the raid so people aren't really getting "free mith" from pve, however, clans could decide to allow one or a few specific players to steal all of the mithril to help equip their less equipped players.
      Since raids would require a lot of coordination & teamwork, I figured if players can make it to the end they would already have agreed on a plan for the mithril chest.

    As far as the EE requirements go, anyone can get EE level one simply by doing an indi war and getting 1 action in on the winning team (not exactly ideal but you get the point). I don't think that will put much of a barrier between those who could participate. The thought behind the EE requirement is that some raids would use aspects you see in EE (like the phase where players need to skim only or certain players must sko, etc) along with the coordination & teamwork required being another thing you mostly only experience in EE wars.

    Since the primary reward for EE wars (aside from mithril) is an EB plunder bonus/drop rate spell (so essentially some people EE just for the EB bonuses), I thought it would be another reason to get people to do EE wars.

    As for those who think the fail conditions are too hard for the time limit, the "health" of the bars in the raid would be appropriate 2hr time limit.
  15. Eh.. Just sounds like another event imo... No support 
  16. Yes I agree to make a better system for raiding someone it's like all u do is click click I don't like that. And u should make it when do a eb(epic battle) u have to RAID an other clan :) that would be fun
  17. I'm impressed, but I didn't finish all the way through
  18. I like the concept, it brings an entire new dynamic to KaW devloping teamwork skills further & reliance on one-another which can be applied in EE wars & OSW in the future. Love the idea, support.
  19. I agree with him with alot of that (I Ould Never Write That Much)