I present a new concept to KaW; Raiding.

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by ISI-IOI-IRI-IAI, May 21, 2015.

  1. @death
    Wars are more complicated now and takes more time and effort to be good. An EE level really doesn't cut it anymore. Warriors should be given a bigger reward for winning, an EE level isn't as much a big help anymore.
  2. Lol more time to be good  you have to be joking  read thread on tracking program, read response from devs re using multiple accounts to war read thread about bots and macros. War is no harder now than it has ever being if anything easier and more luck for Indi wars. Harder  I've heard it all now.
  3. Very well thought out. I suggest adding a non ee tier in addition to the ee tier raids (allowing for folks unable to ee based on RL schedules, and yes that happens) and also taking into account overall clan stat size. This would make it available to small and mid size clans and encourage clan loyalty out of the gate for newer players. Put me on your support list. 
  4. support.
    shows how a clan can work as a team
  5. Not sure what you mean about stats because any stat player can do ee wars (indis specifically which are the most popular) and in raids everyone would deal equal based damage (which is only increased by ee lvl and mith stats spells cast).
  6. If your intent is clans with an average of 10,000 cs receive the same as those with 40,000,000 average cs then a tiered stat system isnt necessary.
    While i agree with equal effort equal reward and support this completely, I was offering another option. Many who have played this game 4 plus years will disagree with that. I was simply playing devil's advocate and offering up an alternative. This is a solid idea and if it needs to be tweaked a bit to garner all the support it needs those options should be lined out for folks on the fence.
  7. So it's a complicated eb designed for people who would rather be warring.

    Ok then.
  8. You have my full support 
  9. Sounds like u got the raid idea from other games (cough,thief, cough)
  10. I love this idea. Would be a good way for the committed people of kaw to show how great they are.
  11. Wars aren't 24/7 & people who EE do not exclusively do EE & NOTHING else.

    Also, yes, the people who enjoy EE wars would likely enjoy raiding as it requires equal or more focus/coordination/teamwork.
  12. Amazing I love it support
  13. tl;dl but I do like the background pic of the eb though...
  14. You have far too much free time
  15. I like the concept. Would be really interesting to see something like this appear in the future.
  16. That was really freaking detailed I do kinda like that idea though.. However instead of needing ee levels which for some(me) have been damn near impossible to come by due to some impeccably bad luck, rather just have something like a rancor spell except you'd get it for meeting a certain condition like having 30+ successfull actions in a war or having 1 ko that way it's on an individual basis not based on your luck with an ee clan.
  17. Definitely like the over all concept. Adds another incentive to participate in ee.
  18. More effort than the devs have put into any eb series. That alone deserves support.
  19. Wait... before I continue reading, Is that milk on this guys head?
  20. A few things to say. First, awesome post. Great art and work went into this.

    Second, I really like some of the aspects of the raid, such as everyone using items at once to randomly open the attack phase.

    However, I don't like the idea of requiring ee. Some people just can't get it for various reasons. I think it should be open to others.