Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -Tr0gLoDyTe-SE, Sep 29, 2015.

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  1. Nah. Pretty sure Trog is a fruit.
  2. Frogs are good eating also,
  3. Don't go for the powerless VK. Become a mod instead and escape the girl light blue.
  4. Who is trog? And why is he looking for support?
  5. Lets just farm him 
  6. You do not deserve the honor. You are self centered and self-absorbed. VK's stand for others and do not expect or try for the title, they try to better themselves and others by being positive and not asking for things that they just want. No vote, no support.
  8. So these are the kinds of people Apoc are recruiting? Huh.
  9. I hope you do realize this is a joke 

    Or is it? Tbh, I'm not sure myself lol
  10. It is
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