Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -Tr0gLoDyTe-SE, Sep 29, 2015.

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  1. Support!

  2. Wayyyyy no support .
    Someone that is running for VK shouldn't have to ask KaW players for support - The VK should already have the support. Without having to ask for recommendations.

    Good luck to you, but sincerely... If you have to ask for support then you probably don't deserve it.
  3. Firsting his own thread? :lol:
  4. Wow alot of yellow lol, any other wisdom u want to give? What a pisser
  5. Lmao would you rather I put it in orange? Sorry mate, I'm just stating the truth. If you deserved it, then you wouldn't have to ask for recommendations.
  6. Silenced a few times says much.
    Soliciting for VK says even more yet.

    Idk what it takes to earn it but i'm cool with whatever it is.

  7. Become a VK. Can always use more fruits to farm.
  8. Trog isn't a fruit, think tomatoes are frog.
  9. Nah, that just adds character.
  10. If this isn't a troll thread I'm quitting kaw.
  11. If one of your reasons to help people is to get VK, then you should never get it. Don't ask for stuff
  12. Haha that loser gets silenced multiple times for calling people names and bypassing. You're welcome lol After his perm silence is finally lifted he continues being a dum dum he is and posts bypasses left and right (see GRYMLN wall 21 days ago for example). Of course he's trolling lol Btw nobody cares about ur pots, be happy omets give u attention u crave so much, u loser u..

    But if he was serious, I'd vote for him just for the laughs: wonder how many hours he can keep VK badge for๎’

  13. That was so mean, but nice at the end, I don't know what to say.
  14. Much support ;) :lol: :roll:
  15. Um, no support???
  16. Ban
  17. I hope this is a joke.....
  18. I fully support this thread and the OP's value to the KaW realm. You got my vote Trog!!! And thank you for being the awesome contributor you are!๎€Ž Keep fighting the good fight, you are an inspiration to many brother.
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