Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by german_idiot, Oct 27, 2010.

  1. Uhh isn't that the Dead Space video game krypton
  2. Besides I'm also gonna try to enter this into a contest
  3. Oh a contest. I don't like it when people take my ideas but I'll come up with one on the top of my head.
    This will take a moment.
  4. Oh yeah I forgot I posted on here. How about some kid gets stuck in his basement and he finds a key. When he gets out of the basement he tests the key on every door in the house and it fits! When he turns the key on a specific door (like the restroom) it would open to an aquatic world. Or maybe a bed room it would be a dream world. Etc etc. You get the idea and what contest is it?
  5. It's not as much a contest contest but just a friendly bet with a vet winner gets $10
  6. Friend* wow I hav no idea how vet came up
  7. Well in that case goodluck.
  8. Lol I thought that was original so they made a video game of it ehhh.
  9. YOULL NEVEAA GET AN IDEA. MuahhaahahhaaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahHahahahahahahahahahahahhahhahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahahahahahahahhaaahhahaahhahaahahahahhahaahahahahahgggahahgggggggagaggggaggaggagaggagagagagagggagahahahahhhahahahahahahahahahahHHHHh. Lmaorofl. Rofl. Lol. Haha hehe. Huh. *cough* MAHAHAHAHHHAHAHAHAHHHHHHAHHAHAHAAHHAHHHAHHHHHHHHHAAA
  10. A zombie apocalypse? Everybody loves those.
  11. Actually I already started writing it sooooo..........

    __________golpas de muerte________
  12. A nazi whos nicname on kaw is german_idiot gets ****** and loses his virginity
  13. .........I hate u awesome u dumb ****
  14. I like that reply 
  15. How bout no
  16. German I can be the artist for ur short story
  17. Crap I forgot to read the date AGAIN
  18. It's on the tip of my tounge...
     Twilight!!!