proud to say 'i am big fan of dragger' i love reading his thread . This thread makes me worries free,tension free. Going to ss all pages and read them all day till realese of grownups3 . Well done dragger
WARRIORS OF THE POTATOE ALLIANCE A long time ago there lived a fair queen, who ruled all of the potatoes, alas she soon went into hiding and her kingdom remained as a shadow, our leader shadeslayer77 worked hard to make an amazing clan filled with fun! We will make her proud by fulfilling her goal And in honor of our beloved queen WE PRESENT TO YOU THE NEW WARRIORS OF THE POTATOE ALLIANCE!! So what are potatoes made of? Family and honor Dedication and motivation Love and compassion AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, FUN!
WARRIORS OF THE POTATOE ALLIANCE A long time ago there lived a fair queen, who ruled all of the potatoes, alas she soon went into hiding and her kingdom remained as a shadow, our leader shadeslayer77 worked hard to make an amazing clan filled with fun! We will make her proud by fulfilling her goal And in honor of our beloved queen WE PRESENT TO YOU THE NEW WARRIORS OF THE POTATOE ALLIANCE!! So what are potatoes made of? Family and honor Dedication and motivation Love and compassion AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, FUN! Always love potatoes Come on warriors! Come help us become fearless, brave potatoes again! RULES- 1. NEVER EAT A POTATOE 2. DON'T EAT POTATOES! 3 . WE DON'T EAT OUR KIND! 4 . POTATOES ARE FRIENDS NOT FOOD! Just come join and have fun! Eating potatoes after joining may result in some very harsh consequences, such as but not limited to, solitary confinement in the naughty corner! Beware
Hmm what does ppl in forums feel would b the terms of a cf this time after he pulled a bs move by agreeing to terms then backing after when time comes to fulfill them? (400bil in allies hired and a seals counted as 200bil)