I need HELP! HOG again stripped me bcoz of -destructive-

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IlIIpsychedeIicIlIlshamanllIIl, Sep 3, 2014.

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  1. Lol this guy is priceless. Please dont forum ban him.
  2. haha im with Val. this has to be a troll. did anyone see this or something like the chiraq guy on fc or gaw forums?

    otherwise though, i don't feel so bad about the American education system as much anymore. so thanks for easing my mind op lol

    either way, this has kept me laughing hysterically the past few weeks
  3. You went to forums and said open farm on this guy, then get mad when he gets people to help him? Seriously? Grow tf up. It's a game. Stop posting stupid threads in forums while your at it
  4. Get a dog toy and stick it in your mouth. Chew on it and endure the pain from behind.
  5. u say this bcoz u have experience about it in it? lol you enjoyed it.. don't need to lie
  6. I support HOG, all they are doing is protecting family, your own fault, no one elses
  7. Crying about getting hit and stripped, and threatening to try and get someone banned over it? You realize this is a war game not a princess game right? You have so many useless forum threads, how about a forum silence for this baby?
  8. It is funny to see this, dagger is hurting now I can feel l he's pain. Charles HOG do 1vs1 but dagger tried to open one of are members up so we returned the favour. You on the other hand disrespected are whole clan and choose to pick a fight with us all, if I remember correctly we also osw'd with a few clans you were a guest in. The problem is you don't hear about are 1vs1's because we feel no need to shout about it in forums you only heare about when the member becomes a clan farm for being a general noob, like yourself and then crying all over kaw what bad bad people we are for stealing ur allies trying to tarnish are reputation.
  9. Wow where are the grammar police when you need them? Everyone on this thread, please go listen to Weird Al's new song "word crimes"
  10. Support my brothers
  11. Stop whining dagger and just take your beating. Seems to me you bring these situations on yourself. Don't start something you can't finish.
  12. I generally love doing the whole "grammar police" thing but this guy needs translation first.

    Here's the thing, Dagger, it was a 1v1 until you posted -destructive- open to all in forums. That was you crying to the KaWmunity for help. That is you breaking the rule of a 1v1. You broke the 1v1 and we responded as any clan would. I assure you -destructive- did not ask for help, it's obvious to everyone he didn't need it.

    Your demeanor in these forums is only hurting you more. It would be in your best interest to leave your thoughts in your head and off forums.
  13. It's sort of a ga,e
  14. Yay OP got stripped
  15. Real question op what are u really wanting out of forums? Anyone who is a war clan knows who we are aren't gonna hit us over u mass waste of gold/time over an idiot that's not even part of their clan. So that leaves u with single ppl like hms-Charles who end up getting farmed for years at a time and don't even know to b anything more then just a bug? So really what kinda help do u think u can get out of forums?
  16. That was a real question btw.
  17. Whatever happened to Charles? It was hillarious when he was on CA hahah..

    I think OP wants the attention and probably wanted some justification that the actions of a whole clan farming him/her is wrong.

    Well I couldnt really care much since theres not much info anyway, and I really find this thread entertaining seriously lol..
  18. I've been reading this thread and finally must say something . It doesn't matter if English is your second language . It's not about racism . The bottom line is don't mess with the family . If you hit one if the family , then you get hit. Man up ( or woman up ) . Stop whining and play the game.

    Oh yeah... I'm HoG family too !
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