I need HELP! HOG again stripped me bcoz of -destructive-

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IlIIpsychedeIicIlIlshamanllIIl, Sep 3, 2014.

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  1. Can I have fun here too?
  2. Is it going to do that much harm to your already soiled reputation? Do you think you're going to lose your dignity by requesting a cease fire? You've already embarrassed yourself enough so I think the smart thing to do is suck it all up and admit defeat. Don't come to the forums with a personal army request, especially when you don't have a reputation or good reasoning for people to side with you. This is getting old. It's not hard to request a cease fire and make an apology, you have NOTHING to lose when you've already lost everything by your own words and actions.
  3. OP became male at age 3? That's only slightly disturbing
  4. Heart of gold doesn't 1 on 1 a clan full of noobs  good day️
  5. This is absolutely hilarious
  6. Cracks me up, OP keeps talking about OP like he's not OP. English may not be your first language, but maybe you understand this... you messed up bro.
  7. Op u do know I am a hog admin yes? U think u get that over night?
  8. Its so funny, keep it up its entertaining..

    Btw - how can he farm destructive.. Like.. The stats range difference is quite huge..
  9. bcoz I'm an she u idiot and he has only a 1m sdt and no ADT ..
  10. what do you think why the war stat requement is 3m ADT and sdt?
  11. This guy must be a troll
  12. No u need full Mith and me pretty much pinned and no pots to have a chance lol at attack wins and your spies suck to but they can win -- some
  13. OP is GMT Timezone from the **** they just told us
  14. Hope you enjoy your soon-to-come forum ban. You're quite the spammy one.
  15. The moment a SH realizes how useless that build is outside of EE. Man thats priceless.
  16. ^ what's funny is he had a real build just a few days ago
  17. Thank you destructive I needed that laugh. I have face palmed myself to his posts so much my head hurts.
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