I like being purple

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *chase2002 (02), Jan 21, 2013.

  1. SLATE BLUE :lol: :lol:
  2. In b4 lock doesn't compel a mod to lock a thread. They make their decisions without others doing it for them. They have said many times that it doesn't help.
  3. Nice to know Barney 
  4. C-C-C-Combo breaker!(kinda)
  5. Be Dodgerblue.
  6. Be...

  7. All other colors suck.
  8. White is the best colour, why doesn't anyone agree with me?
  9. lucky u better not be copying me:) I know, I know. I'm a great role model and all(Jk), but that doesn't mean u can use the same color as me ;)
  10. King, your a nob and I hate you!

    Oh god, I'm joking. Please don't hurt me!

    I beg you!

    I'm sorry D:
  11. Test
  12. Test