I Just Received Inc From Anarchy!!! :0

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by PipeBomb, Jan 21, 2016.

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  1. :lol:

    OP has 9/12 EQ.

    Damn scrub train up in dis bee.

    Yo whadi goti do to make a damn nub like dis hold me pocket liek anarchy dun.
  2. Support for your support of my support.
  3. U gib him max levels of atension

  4. Says the guy who has 5/12 EQ

  5. Says the guy who has 12/12 crappy equip.

  6. I have realised that Anarchy loves this attention. I'll be back in your newsfeed after pvp baby ;)

    Requesting Lock

  7. /rekwests lok
    /nutten happins

  8. Says the guy who doesn't know what the reset button is

  9. Op asked topic closed via walling
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