Discussion in 'Wars' started by Pee_0n_Me, Feb 18, 2014.

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  1. Arkane must apologize on my wall before arkane is farmed to reset! Don't anger the Kaw Gods. We are here for our amusement not thou's. Op suggest you side on thy right team or be farmed.
  2. It is free in every way Arkane. You are not forced to buy to to grow. So before you dig a deeper hole, it is a fact that the mods got beat so freaking bad that they had to ask ATA to intervene to bail out their torn belongings.

    When was the last time you saw devs in a war game run like chickens trying to cover the rears if their moderators. It was a historical moment. So let us just leave it at that and you go back to your EBs.
  3. It's sad how Arkane only KaWs because these are his only friends
  4. Can you read? I've been given that ultimatum several times over the course of a few years, and that's when I did care, and fought back. Now, I care not for what farming does to me. I care not for growing, and I care not for the possible incoming notification spam caused by your farming.
  5. I leave this app be for 2 months at a time. While you waste your time trying to make me reset I'll be away doing other things, checking back every once in a while for messages
  6. Now now, don't add to what I said. I said I have friends here that I'd like to keep in touch with. I never said they were my only friends.
  7. Maximus, for you to tell Arkane to go back to his ebs, you sure do hit ebs. Very few people don't hit ebs, you do. So don't tell others to "go back to there ebs" when you are probably in forums waiting for your troops to regenerate so you can unload on the eb. Please exit to the left or stop hitting ebs and learn to farm :)
  8. Don't church up your life arkane haha. We all see you no longer care about kaw, but boy it sure was easy to involve you in a conversation in a game which you care nothing about. Lmao, need a snickers bro???
  9. How cute, a baby account spamming forums.

    I would say let's farm it but even my smallest account is too big.
  10. Cool story bro
  11. Once again, can you read? I only care for the social aspects of the game. I failed to mention it but it was implied. I explicitly said I don't care for my gold.
  12. Bluejay I could blue your jay all you want instead of EBs. I gave him a decent suggestion to get back to whatbhe was doing over a topic he really did not I now much about. Now if you feel so pumped up, grow some stats and then send me a message and I will see to it that your days go happy ever after, if you live long enough to grow those many stats.
  14. I'm fairly new, I never had that issue of getting mass assaulted by anyone. Mods get targeted by loads of players for various reasons. No need to make a thread for it, this has just spiraled down into abundant flaming and arguing. Secondly your OP really had no purpose other then to flame. No need for such threads in forums. Try a thread with some actual effort. More over I doubt the majority of KAW cares what a statless alt has to say about anything. Get some brass, post with a main and with a well thought out post that isn't designed solely to flame and people might even begin to take you seriously. Until then this is getting locked for having no useful purpose on forums.
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