OP is nothing more then a tiny stat account with a loud mouth. Your opinion means zilch. Do enjoy your few moments in the spot light though
Whoever would hit Legendary probably would like to be pinned by a big ass hansel all day.... But anyway. Only the butthurt players of KaW that violate the rules and are too stubborn to know it try whoop a mod's ass. Like I said, they'd probably get pinned all day long.
OP is right. The mods got their asses handed to them on a platter till they ran crying like babies to devs who had to step in to stop them from being humiliated any further.
Thou shalt not argue with Op Arkane! Op speaks the truth of the Mod's ass woopin. Dont annoy our mains big guy
Not quite. KaW has in-game items up for purchase and also has a ToU. It's not free in the ways you may imply.
What are your mains going to do to me? I still remain here to keep in touch with the friends I have made over the course of the years I've been here. The fake gold I have means nothing to me, if that's what your mains can take away.