i hate mods

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by ShadowSinDragon, Aug 25, 2012.

  1. Ahaha I remember that episode. It was a good one.
  2. If can't join 'em hate 'em
  3. you probably got silenced 2 times
  4. Yarmes for President!!!!

    That's is all!
  5. It bet op was silenced recently.
  6. Im hated already?! Cool
  7. I hate you all! But not all of you, only a select few, but I'm not changing my story, I'm just adjusting it, but I kill you!!
  8. Got anger?
  9. Who is the most hated mod?
  10. One mod is hate the most but im not saying and yes i be ban r wat ever 5 time bc the 12 years old running to the mods
  11. Really you bumped your own thread....
  12. Kool story bro.
  13. Wait wait wait. Stop commenting let it die out.