I Got You DirtyLarry... ish

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -CyBeR_EcLiPTiC_MaCHiNE-, Jan 6, 2015.

  1. Cuz u nuby bub
  2. ooh that made me mad 0.0
  3. Gd effort and No support
  4. We did balto we had a party an everything to celebrate.... someone must have posted your invite on forums whoopsie.
  5. Biggest fangirl? :shock:

  6. I just like being dumb and hitting people :lol:
  7. Support! 
  8. No support.
  9. No support for you supporting

  10. No support to my sudden lack of support
  11. Page 11

    Yep, good job BC.
    Please make sure to get the correct information before making a fool of yourself. 

    But I digress, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. You have yours, I have mine.
  12. Did the standard of SH get changed that I didnt know? :|
  13.  I'm stronger than a SH.

  14. No. He called me an SH - I recently changed builds so his quick-to-accuse insult was rendered moot.
  15. Congrats Phoenix you have big boy hair now
  16. Congrats you hve big boy bfe no- err...

    Woops. Nvm.
  17. Glad he got banned
  18. 0.0
  19. Aint nothin' wrong with keeping the support dirty.