I Got You DirtyLarry... ish

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -CyBeR_EcLiPTiC_MaCHiNE-, Jan 6, 2015.

  1. Nice effort!

    No Support
  2. "paying" :roll:
  3. Yea Farrt some people spend money on this game. When you get older and get a job you will understand something called disposable income
  4. Idk why you guys love trolls these days. But you do. Weird..
  5. Shadow relax you take forums so serious that could crap a diamond everytime your threads get a "no support"

    This is FUN
  6. I know they pay, it just has nothing to do with respect from devs :/
  7. Shadow ass 22/22/11 p
  8. Money talks and noobs need to take a walk
  9. Shadow still has pudding guys :lol:
  10. Are we supposed to support not supporting support for no support, or not support supporting no support for no support?

  11. Take me out for a nice dinner then u can shrek me all u want
  12. Support.
  14. Shadow you seriously are a noob. Forums would be better without you. Always so serious. Lighten up a little and take out your "anger" or whatever you call it in my NF.

    No support

  15. lol
  16. Some people like me take my forums very cereal.

    Leave shadow alone. Bullies.

    Always gotta make everyone have fun and ****. Your lifestyle doesn't necessarily have to be his lifestyle.