I Feel Violated

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by SmallNun, May 29, 2015.

  1. Morons op clearly a troll...
  2. ;)
  3. Lol he must of posted with an alt scared his main will b attacked coz of event if its opted in...
  4. OP is butt hurt beyond belief. Starting a petition for this thread to get locked.

    1. BadRobot
  5. yay . Because you remind me of Gandhi and his peaceful protest lol....

    and he was succesful..... :lol: :eek: :cool:
  6. Yay I am on teh list!

    Get rekt people who are not there! You are not part of teh cool peoples!

    also mebbe a sarcastica font may help the OP realize what has happened with his thread.....

    XD XD
  7. Haha, sweetie, you're hilarious. I actually laughed for so long—honestly. And honey, I believe the joke's on you. I am fully aware that the majority of the signatory was being sarcastic when they supported the thread, however, they never stated that they were joking. Therefore, I can easily use their names!!
  8. You do know that a couple of the people you listed were mods right? The sarcasm is as obvious as if it were written on a neon sign, so using their names is completely pointless.
  9. What a profound observation. I do, in fact, realize that a few moderators signed the petition. Their names are actually printed in NEON GREEN!! Thanks for the attempt at helping, though. It's kind of appreciated.
  10. There is a list of supporters, well there should be a list of no-supporters. Anyone who wants to be on this list just post and I'll add you.

    1. __________oRIOn__________
    2. _ZE_NzPhewashere_MP_
    3. FO_Izuel_Solaris_TR
    4. PotField
    5. llllllllRayllllllll
    6. BadRobot
    7. TheLost169
    8. The_Postman
  11. I wanna join this list 
    Oh and the list BadRobot made too
  12. Can I be on both lists plox? I support lists
  13. Also.....smallnun? Yo a scrub.
  14. *you, but thanks! :D
  15. I am pretty sure nobody is taking this thread seriously. I really sense the sarcasm.

    (Thanks Captain Obvious)
  16. Oh it's no compliment... Just an observations

    And the other part you claim isn't English to help explain why you can see edited posts that others cannot... But again, beautifully sassy