I did it!

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by slayerbob, Dec 17, 2015.

  1. Bob lad , haters will be haters. Good job bro.
  2. No way Bob is this rich, photoshop
  3. Its almost as if we all accomplished something, Bob.


  4. You mean using a pre deposited gif on photobucket automatically makes that account mine?  you're so pathetic and desperate. Y'all have accused me of catfishing.
    Roni demanding pics with a "sign" she got two of them. Which about 70 people witnessed. Do yea you're stretching to try and make me look bad. But it won't work.

    I've never lied about who I am, and I never will. Unlike you. Then you when you weren't getting enough attention while pretending to be a female you made a thread about it to get even more but no one really cared did they? They weren't surprised at all, because you're irrelevant.

    Have a fantastic day 

  5. How is he biased?

    Give one valid example.
  6. ^Mentioning the name of someone removed from a thread allows them the ability to respond.
  7. Don't talk to that gender confused person. Don't want them to come back to the thread.
  8. I'm supposed to know they were removed?

    No one mentioned ur name and you're here. Why don't you disappear until someone finds your presence desirable.
  9. ^Why are you picking a fight with me?
    I only offered advice lol.
    No one mentioned your name either yet you're here as well.
    Dun kill my vibe.
  10. Good to see that bias bob doesn't ask boots or that moron -v- to leave the thread. They clearly going out of there way to stay off topic.

    One rule for one but not for others.

    Barbie. You should just shut your mouth for a change and be glad I don't embarrass you. You idiot. No one has spread more lies in this game than you. We know that. So save the verbal for another thread and stay on topic. You pathetic old joke.
  11. Old is the key word regarding sad old barbie. Very old
  12. Interesting that this thread would've been locked straight away for "lack of effort" if it was made by anyone else, but it's not been since it was made by a mod
  13. thats a understatement regarding bootsy. anyone can get relatives to do sign i.d selfies. it stilll doesnt mean its you until you. gone on video chat or met someone. you talk and write like a old person with the sad n pathetic mum and dad ****** jokes and r.p. stupidness. and bob is meant to be meeting her this xmas. but we all know she will make excuses. and -V- i
    really think you should back off skinnyminny because ive got hold of some in game gossip
    about you that wont be in your favour. skinnyminny is legend by name and a legend by nature. more than you
    bootsy and v will ever be.
  14. -v- needs to run his mouth all he can. His days a likely numbered. It must have really bummed him out when he was caught out doing what he's done.
  15. Thats exactly it Tom, your not wrong . Diab Machine was right when he wrote there's rules for some but not for otthers.
  16. bias is the word that springs to mind.
  17. Did someone kill a cow in here? Because there's some serious beef...
  18. There's a lot of gossip about me. I've heard that I'm wanted in multiple states, I hear I have a website that gives me unlimited nobs and Xtals(I really wish I had one of these it would save some serious $), I've heard I'm a dev, I've heard I'm a hacker, I've heard I've stole tens of thousands $ worth of accounts etc etc. Please come tell me this new gossip on my wall or pm because it always gives me a good laugh, but stay on topic here.
  19. Do you know what the topic here is -v- ? You seem more interested in telling us your life story.

    Maybe make a thread of your own for that riveting tale, and while you're here take your own advice and stay on topic.
  20. why would i do that so you can lie some more. Nope this info will be told where it matters. We would only hear how the world is jealous of you and wants to be you. cant be doing with listening to that rubbish again.