Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by IlII_x_BlackHandDicty_x_IIlI, Feb 2, 2015.

  1. Exactly. Exploitation doesn't pay
  2. i had said since the beginning to fix my drop rates. not increase them.

    i dont care about the reasons. I dont care what anyone calls me.

    i want to know you idiots accept this blatant theft of money?
  4. It's not blatant theft. You paid for xtals and xtals are what you got
  5. Lmao u seem mad
  6. I paid for xtals and pleas to get 12 favors a drop.

    You can pay for xtals to get 20 bladeless and plealess.

    Again, blatant theft.
  7. Dont exploit 
  8. The devs fixed what people used to try and cheat if your mad hit the people that dropped there build to get a head but if the drop rate was only balanced out I don't see the problem and who says mids can't compete I'm making more than before
  10. Support troll you were right to cry I would have too , but may as well laugh at the rest of the butthurt accounts now
  11. A bit like your bonus from allies
  12. The general kawmunity after the devs have changed another promo part way thru...

    Meanwhile, at ATA headquarters in le great white North

    While the whole time I'm like

    Remember this is a tap tap game for kids ran by kids...

    Good luck out there ️
  13. I'm hoping somebody can explain to me the importance of being lb status on a phone app? Does it enhance my professional work resume, get me a loan for a house or boat, get me VIP status at prestigious Las Vegas nightclubs, get me front row seats to my favorite sporting event, help me marry a super model, increase my physical mojo, get me on a episode of Keeping up with the Kardashians, magically make me dinner or clean my residence? Surely someone can explain to me the significant betterment buying a bunch of items on a electronic game will bring into my life. Reading some of these posts make me honestly think I'm reading about the severe poverty going on in Laos or the ongoing genocide of human kind in Sudan. Holy crap people, take a look at your self and rethink what's important. I love noob tears and butt hurt on threads, but it's mind boggling how truly ignorant and spoiled people are these days. If real life atrocity or natural disaster would befall you this game and your lb status won't save you. I vote for compensation indeed. Anyone who has played before ebs were introduced should be compensated. If I'm going to read about retribution for wrong doing or injustice I'd much rather read about it coming from pre-eb players who made nothing compared to the sniveling eb warriors kaw has created. Holy ball sack, debate all you want about, but to see people get so emotionally upset over the dumbest things, driving me bat sh!t crazy. To think most whining on this thread are leaders of our future??? What's this world coming to???
  14. How can ppl use 50+ xtals in 2 days was the xtal limit changed or some thing
  15. That's more than you have ever seen.. You see that's the difference between me and you.. I can handle the ups and downs of the fight. You can't and that's why you dropped build.. You couldn't hack it at this level
  16. I married a supermodel bc of KAW, ps I love you sneak
  17. So.... this is like the 50th major screw up by the devs. It sucks that many of you got burned, but I don't understand why anyone is surprised when this happens.
  18. pulls 50 outta thin air
  19. I don't see how the devs screwed up people exploited and then the devs closed the exploit as soon as they caught on the event just started 2 days ago
  20. S*** / Sympathy / syphilis
    That's where to find it.