Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by IlII_x_BlackHandDicty_x_IIlI, Feb 2, 2015.

  1. @lagibest. I have a small Kingdom that is currently ranked #4 on the lb when it came out. I've burned 40 plus x-tals to be there. Now my drops amount has increased dramatically as has everyone's. So again. I don't see what the problem is. Players who dropped 4 favor for me without a blade are now dropping 12.
  2. And by making it so much easier for us to hit 1000 favors, the players who went by the EB path are seriously screwed. So much tougher for them to hit 1000 hunter trophies as compared to us hitting 1000 favors.

    Really..... This round we are being penalised hard for playing the game. Those who spent were penalised even harder.
  3. Was top 100 before, still top 100 now
  4. And you still suck ramathlos 
  5. nah. anyone that wants to get 1000 favors could have done it in the last few days anyway. not that anyone would do that. i mean...who would take advantage of their knowledge of the player base to get an easy top 500 slot in the pve, knowing that they could easily get to 1000 favors in the pvp section late due to the increase in payout over time on the pvp side?

    it would have to be some sort of mad genius. :ugeek:
  6. One kingdom which spent 50 xtals to hit 4000 favors. Another spent no xtals but hit 2000 favors.

    First kingdom has a 2000 favors advantage, and decide not to spend on xtals for a while and monitor the advantage.

    Now within a few hours, the kingdom that spent no xtals saw the massive increase in drops of favor. Now this kingdom spend 50 xtals because of this increase.

    Same amount of xtals, same amount of $$ spent. Almost same amount of effort.
    Vastly different results. The second kingdom will definitely get way more favors.

    Earlier spenders have been heavily penalised.
  7. which means the event was slightly flawed and skewed to begin with
  8. Back in S4 Troll made a thread asking to remove the medallion increase before they made the update (when they announced it), more than 100 guys supported it and devs didn't listened.
    I support this, but devs won't fix it
  9. It is still balanced for everyone. You're not at a disadvantage compared to how it was before.

    Stop making ridiculous rage threads demanding compensation where it's not required you greedy tit
  10. I assume you spent $0 before this.

    Stop beibg ignorant of the situation, you moronic ignoramous.
  11. You sir, Need to chill out. There's still like what? 11 days left in the event? You said you spent money? Well suck it up. Stop crying and start making a strategy to climb the LB again.
  12. Why complain the devs only fixed what drop builds tryed to exploit blame them not the devs
  13. If you want constipation, eat cheese and bread. Then don't **** for a week
  14. Support
  15. *being

    I'm not intellectually inept. Using long words doesn't scare or confuse me.

    There is no policy in the ToU which prevents ata from changing things. And there is no policy that requires them to give you compensation if they do.

    It's as simple as this: They don't have to give you compensation and therefore they won't. Live with it
  16. Fairly certain i didnt ask you if we were being compensated. Do you work for ata? if not, be quiet.
  17. And also, you sir and your fellow build droppers are the reason that this happened so you have yourself to blame
  19. If you spend $200 on xtals then you need to seriously reevaluate your life
  20. I think this is hilarious that the build droppers got what they deserved.. You try to exploit their programming and when they fix it you complain lol

    Your account sucks and you don't deserve to win anything