Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by IlII_x_BlackHandDicty_x_IIlI, Feb 2, 2015.

  1. I'm not an exploit build but I am still not happy with this update. I used a lot of xtals 50+ and at least 5 pleas and now people can make what I made with a sword and plea if I was lucky without either of them. I feel it was wrong to change the event mid way. Now I'm at 4.6k favors and that is now nothing because everyone can make that in a day no problem. Some compensation should be issued bc its not right for the devs to basically just waste all that I've spent trying to get top 100 and I was in top 10, now it's unlikely I'll be top 100
  2. Well thats everyone coasting easily to 1000 favors then...
  3. Learn to read.
    I'm not a dropped build.
  4. Would be nice to have devs that were more than apes who only learned the dollar sign.
  5. Hey I'm not the one who cried over forums now am I, if one isn't so butthurt, one wouldn't try to have a comment about me for the stupidest of reasons.

    And I sure as hell didn't start this, but if you like. I can give you some real love after event.
  6. I don't understand the problem here. Everybody is earning more. The playing field has just been levelled. All the small stat kingdoms that cleaned up in the first couple of days just have a head start and now just have to keep on staying active to stay in front. Is that right ?
  7. Hahaha!! Looks like you shoulda kept your build instead of dropping it down to that little pile of  that you now have.

    You were a fun target and we went back and forth quite a bit, til I saw you dropped to nearly no stats. That's about all the credit I have to give you.

    Next time stay and fight. Instead of cheating it, and crying  now that the devs made the correction to the event.
  8. Waste of money and time this event............u bunch of noob developers. U kick everyone where it hurts wen it comes to.real money....u think its faor raiseing favors wen LB PLAYERS ARE COMPLAINING. LISTEN WILL U
  10. Kaw listen. U ripp people off after 3 days... why man WHY
  11. I also demand compensation! Not sure why I would deserve it. BUT I STILL DEMAND IT!
  12. Now mids can't compete -.- dumb update
  13. Same. Pretty easy if you're consistent
  14. The whole nerf is a double edged blade, on one hand those who build dropped and basically exploited a weakness in the system got an unfair advantage on those bigger than them because smalls dropped more favors than the large players.

    Now on the other hand, those who stayed as a grown build were given crap all favors when hitting people their size or bigger. Now I can understand the frustration of those who worked their asses off in the larger bracket to keep their top spots on the favor LB, but if they just keep at it those who didn't exploit the system but we're trying to keep up have a chance at reaching the top 1000.

    Now all that being said, I don't see a reason to punish drop builds completely, but a way to really mess with them if so inclined would have the devs rolling their stats back to where they were at their largest cs points. But that would just be cruel because we'd know who to target to get best drops.
  15. Just let mid sized builds the most!
  16. so...people that had a huge advantage during the first few days are complaining that they no longer have an advantage? you got a head start on everyone else. what is the problem? :?
  17. those of us who burnt through xtals and nobs and didn't exploit the system are basically getting screwed over because now everyone can easily catch up and I don't feel inclined to keep on burning the xtals when the devs might screw me over again.
  18. but...you had a head start. now things should be more balanced. but, you still have the boost you got at the start.
  19. The problem is, those of us who have spent effort to stay ahead early in the game have been penalised. And heavily too.

    While we spent countless hours just to hit 500 or 1000 favors without xtals or sword, now players who have just entered the event need 5x less time and effort.

    And to further add insult to injury, this is even worse for people who had spent tons of money and crystals on the event past 2 days to gain a headstart advantage. The headstart advantage after crystals and countless hours probably is about~2000+ favors. And what now? This advantage could now be negated by another player who decided to throw crystals now instead. Lesser amount of crystals, probably much less effort needed, and the original advantage is negated, unless the player with the ~2k+ advantage continues to spend just as many crystals.

    The feeling stays: what ATA has done is to penalise players who were paying, who were putting in the effort, and time, and who were playing the game as they were expected to, instead of dropping build to exploit the system

    If ATA missed the exploit earlier, we probably understand. But the resolution of the exploit by rendering the initial efforts of all players who didn't make use of the exploit just shows how little they care about us.

    Honestly, this isn't to be expected from a company who has been in this industry for years. Massive failure.
  20. Yeah and that head start came from 50+ xtals and not exploiting and now the devs made it so that in essence those xtals are worth 1/3 their original value or less. And how can I be sure they won't do it again? There is no way I can compete with the big spenders and I get that but when they complain and basically make my xtals useless it's total bull **** on the devs part