Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by IlII_x_BlackHandDicty_x_IIlI, Feb 2, 2015.

  1. Let the noob rage begin
    *eats popcorn*
  2. I find this to be the only true fact about this event 
  3. Butthurt or Nah?
  4. Just because devs didn't fix or compensate our S4 doesn't mean they shouldn't compensate for future promo or events when they mess up.

    Better they start changing their mentality of thinking don't you think?
  5. Am I the only one who remembers Troll crying about how the rates were doubled in s4?
  6. What's a drop build?
  7. Plus Woilfie im pretty sure it had already started.
    Yet again, proving your just not completely with it.

    As they say the wheels spinning but the hamsters dead.
  8. Oh I cried and cried.

    And they ignored me. Just like they'll do here.
  9. Drop build to take advantage of an obvious exploit, during the event, but cry when the exploit is fixed, also during the event.

    Sounds legit and typical of most players.
  10. I suggest listening to the song "Tear in my Beer" by Hank Williams Sr. while reading this thread. It kind of sets the mood.
  11. Ha that's fantastic
  12. You're still butthurt about me saying in wc you're fail scout bombing xD brilliant
  13. Who wants to listen to anyone crying. Hell no one.

    If you had the brains to approach this problem more decently than demanding compensation, people actually might bother to listen to you, instead of laughing at you.
  14. And what i failed a few scouts and all of wc knows...

    When will the madness end.

    Maybe you want to tell them of some of my fail steals to?
  15. Are we really crying over a 20$ xstal pack only 2/3rd used?

    The past events have always had some changes in the final days. With the devs saying they were looking into the build drop rates, this was expected.
  16. I knew that was gonna show up.

  17. Well arnt you cool.