For all we know cuddle was merely stating your age as an exaggeration to show how he is "more mature" ( :lol: cant say that with a straight face :lol: ) than you. You admitting its your age is against the ToU Mohahaha stir things up (Nothing personal accept to bunneh )
Hippo stop being such a buzz kill others can have entertainment without you finding it entertaining have some beer and cool off. You're always so tense and hostile or if you're underaged, have some energy drinks and watch some tv
CARPET MUNCHER!!? I hear by stand and accuse you of homophobia. Please reframe from using such phases or I will have to seek further actions.
I don't believe it is. I DO believe that the Devs like it when you keep callout threads in the "wars" subforum. Unfortunately, I didn't check what subforum this was in before I began writing this, and will most likely look rather dull.