I Ate A Mercedes

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -WillyTheDeuce-, Dec 3, 2014.

  1. I am your mercedes…

  2. Actually, it's the capitalists that keep pushing forward the money making X-Mas season :)

  4. communists? dont you mean greedy capitalist pigs?
  5. All pigs. All politicians. I eat them and hate them.

  6. Your christmas presents should be weight watchers.
  7. I eat bacon. Lots of bacon. Have I said I like bacon? Bacon is good. I like eating bacon. Bacon is delicious.
  8. Peanut butter bacon banana sandwich... Go try it.

  10. I hate Bacon
  11. This is the perfect example of why society is failing.
  12. You should get that checked by a doctor willy...
  13. What? My tooth? Or my ruptured heart at Olibear's disapproval of my low hanging fruit?

    I really just don't know what to do when people don't like me because my forum posts are subpar.

    I don't know...maybe I'll eat more automobiles and try to quell the ache. 
  14. Try eating a Prius Willy...they cut down on gas 

    not sure why all the Willy hate in this thread but I still luff ya 
  15. Prius. Pfffft.

    Plastic and kittens.
  16. Justice has 7 letters
    7 x 3 = 21
    21 ÷ 7 = 3
    3 sides in a triangle
    Illuminati confirmed…
  17. personally, i hate thanks giving. so i don't mind it being destroyed by greedy capitalists.

    on the other hand; i hate christmas, so i don't mind when people wage war on it.

    i hope both holidays are consumed by the endless gluttony of the american consumer.

    oh...this thread sucks balls btw. its the wrost thred since the in vention of teh interwebz by al gore in the year 2525.
  18. Lol, my english teacher was like that
  19. Since you have some experience willy,

    Would eating a RAM give me guts and glory?
  20. Capitalist pig bacon?