I apologize

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by WhiteSerpent, Aug 2, 2013.

  1. I apologisr for farming Dnt ban me plz
  2. Farming isn't ban-able.
  3. Lmao someone prolly told this noob he'd get banned if he didn't apologize for farming them lol
  4. Who gave you this misleading info.
  5. It's Too late to apologize.

    It's too laaaatttteeee.
  6. I can't tell otherwise he will report me for farming
  7. He's watching this thread
  8. You can't be reported :roll: it's not against the rules
  9. FARMING ISN'T BANNABLE.... It's part of the game, you are allowed to do it. If this person actually thinks farming isn't allowed he is an idiot.
  10. Jake we are In a osw please don't post in fourms
  11. I just reported the OP for farming...
  12. Wow... Crack the whip
  13. Huh? I don't even know you Reach lol
  14. Not cool lord what did he ever do to you
  15. Jake be quiet!!! There allready on to us!!
  16. I'm trying to trick them shhhhh I got this
  17. Ok ill start the boat you hop in if someone notices you
  18. Oooooh! A thread all about me...