SS was posted on fourms last night, poor Alison. Haven't you dropped your build once already? Jump on the band wagon sweet
Lol, if i can hit you there is no way you can hit an lb! Full of crisp obviously, just like your hot reporting
The truth is cuddlefunny. You're an attack build with less than 3000 battle losses. You really are just an eb noob who thinks he's a farmer but is really just a fool. Run back to your eb or quit like you said on another thread
Eb noob? Alison isn't that the very thing the majority of KaW called you? 3k battle losses. I reset not but 4 months ago. Various resets and name changes. I've been here longer than you have my dear. Day one. Fighting IG while in Foxes. Joining IG after, rage quit after LB ganged up and stripped me. Played Haypi. Still do
I'm sorry zethro. If you fight alot, you get hit alot. The stats speak for themselves, not the excuses as to what is or isn't going on in KaW according to you at this time