I apologize to ZAFT Carnage and all ZAFT: CF Request

Discussion in 'Wars' started by LinQuei, Sep 14, 2014.

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  1. What Jano said ^^ I woulda kicked him too for being so soft.
  2. What would have happened is zaft would have stripped every hog member. And you guys most likely would have requested a cf at some point.

    This isn't an insult but they just no matter how you put it. Outnumber you guys in cs, cash, gold, and LB/members.

    This guy probably did the best thing to keep a pass time game fun enough for him to enjoy playing.

    What's the point in playing a game if you don't even enjoy it? Mind as well go get yourself a wife a be miserable...
  3. Silenced was kicked from KOTFE to honor the cf agreement between our two families. If a carnage member would have acted that way, we would of done the same thing.
  4. Apology has been done terms are meet. There's not much else to say on this thread. Trolls will troll. Happy kawing guys.
  5. With 2 years under his belt? ^
  6. Omg.... Yes I wouldn't care how long a member was in my clan. If I tell him/her that he/she was forbidden to do something because it would toss us back into war for breaking our agreement. Then he/she did it anyways. I would kick him/her
  7. Eh. We have different morals I guess.
  8. I agree lilmansyndrome , and ty for granting cease fire.

    Just to clear up, I made no effort to reach out to kotfe cause I started the trash with ZAFT and would rather be kicked than involve clan for my trash talking . CF agreements in big clans stipulate no trash talking after, so kotfe did what is inline with protocol . I started it and am finishing it without having big clan drama. Stuck my pecker in a hornets nest. Lol!!! Kotfe, my bag for my troll behavior , I'm not suited for all the rules and will miss you guys, only fam since I started mayn...damn...
  9. Man, heartbreaking....nvm.
  10. Lock requested./
  11. Boo wop bop pow pow pow
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