I am Silenced.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Zethryr, Jan 29, 2015.

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  1. Hey, any clan members. I just sealed. Gimme My items.

    Anybody call clan members of The Answer on here
  2. Mods, can you change to title of the thread to

    The Answer talk to me
  3. What do you need there zeth?
  4. Nothing now. I have a mouth.
  5. bout time you listened to me. lol
  6. Shut up. Lol
  7. Sis
  8. Crap now I can't get back to my main.
  10. What a Zuke!
  11. Shut up lol.
  12. You should be able to edit the title yourself? Or is that just one of my special people powers?
  13. he can. he just never had proper learning.
  14. No you don't word waster you can't catch up to me.
  15. :lol: you do realize that you are the only one in this little "competition", right?
  16. And that's why I am winning.
  17. your strategy is flawless!
  18. Darn KaW has one less EB fairy in wc
  19. Indeed worfwaster
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