Mods don't just silence people for the fun of it :lol: so obviously whatever you said did break the ToU.
U asked the wrong thing noob. Ive been silenced 5x. On the 4th n 1st "perm" i asked for chat back they said it had been so long since first silence theyll make silence only i think it was 72hrs. On my 5th n 2nd perm lol i emailed saying the game was no fun w/o social aspect can i plz b unsilenced. They reduced to 6month BUT immediately gave me cc n pm back lol
Delink your accounr, that will change it. Resetting is continuing to use your old account as a new, delinking is completely rejoining kaw
You have to delete the post about deleting it first to be able to delete it and every other post that came after in backwards order you know?
Same here op I got the perm silence an still chuckle a bit when I think about it, but don't let it get you down op all the other buttons work so evolve into a silent warrior