I am requesting some help from kaw community

Discussion in 'Wars' started by SkinnyMinny, Sep 6, 2013.

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  1. You have my support.
  2. Well no your to little so go play somewhere else
  3. K, I'll try to do it
  4. No I'm not... And my main certainly isn't :/ believe me when I say you couldn't touch him, but he could touch YOU wherever he likes...
  5. ^ohhh is that your main
  6. Take a ******* guess genius :/
  7. How big is your main if I'm getting touched I like them to be big
  8. Well sorry u posted before I did I was talking to the one above u
  9. Well if you so you're in for a treat. Big and naked.
    No more dirty talk :)
  10. That's my main
  11. I love being naked 
  12. why dont you just **** off?
  13. You boys are terribly off topic. I'm sure you're both adequately fit for a bedroom, can you please get back on target now??
  14. Well sorry for mucking around ^ and ice no your even smaller
  15. We aren't asking you death.
    And to the third post, no one said I'm male. Or death for that matter. Last I heard, boys can't have a period, and it looks as if death is having one right now.
  16. Noobelious hb stl 1 sdp. Good luck Alison!
  17. I for one like Alison and the no bs way she plays..... Ill throw some his way 
  18. Gave 3 steals to charity, good luck Alison!
  19. I'm looking forward to the day if ever when Alison and her 2 alts are large enough to be forum strip targets :)
    Do your own dirty work or be loyal to a clan that will back your silly large mouth and constant troubles with 1v1
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